Voip Services
ROYAL ELEGANCE GENERAL TRADING offers stable, redundant and cost effective voice termination services through extremely competitive routing plans and strategic carrier partners. With over 100+ direct/Tier1/Tier2 interconnects to major international and niche destinations, ROYAL ELEGANCE GENERAL TRADING is growing as the preferred carrier services provider in the voice market.
ROYAL ELEGANCE GENERAL TRADING offers voice termination service levels – Premium and Standard, providing you with an optimal choice between quality and price over any given route.
Premium Services
Ideal for network operators looking for the highest quality termination combined with proactive QOS support and competitive market rates. All premium routes terminate via stable, high-quality providers, with CLI (Directs/Partner Directs or Tier1’s only).
Standard Services
Designed for service providers who want stable route termination but with the ability to take advantage for spot market pricing.